The first Eucharistic Ministers at St. Raphael’s were appointed in 1968 and there are now over 100 regularly assigned Eucharistic Ministers plus substitutes serving at the daily Masses and the weekend Masses.
The Holy Spirit is always looking for those who can serve as Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday or Sunday Masses. It is a wonderful ministry to be able to assist the priest in distribution of that Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine. With enough volunteers, service might only be once per month (more times are always welcome). Training is provided. Please pick up an application in the Rectory or email [email protected].
Annually there is a Saturday morning Spiritual Retreat. Those interested in serving in this capacity should contact Marcia Greiten, (805) 705-8924 to obtain an application. Once your application has been approved by the Pastor, you will be scheduled for training and assignment.
This ministry links the Parish community to those who are ill or disabled in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and private homes within our parish boundaries. Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick provide weekly Communion visits to parishioners who are unable to attend Sunday Mass, either on a temporary basis while they recuperate from surgery or an accident, or on a permanent basis dues to illness, disability, etc.
To request Weekly Communion Visits for the Sick and Homebound, call 805 451 8964
Para la Santa Misa: Contact Ana Lopez at (805) 895-2027
Para los enfermos: contact Yolanda Reyes at (805) 451-8964